Drug Header Inv Size Description Allocated On Hand (Units) Allocated On Hand (Packs) On Order Owe Amount Acq Cost Min Disp Quantity Price Code Default Monitor Add Remove Reset Order Shipments Main UPC Actual on Hand Re-Order Point Acq Cost (ut) Acq Cost (pk) Override Do Not Re-Order POS Product Supplier Name Item # Rank Price (ut) Price (pk) Default Block $ Updates Pack Size Add Remove Search Counsel Adjust Save Close Revert POS Size MTD PMD PYD YTD Drug Header Inv Size Description Allocated On Hand (Units) Allocated On Hand (Packs) On Order Owe Amount Acq Cost Price Code Default Monitor Order Shipments Actual on Hand Main UPC Alt UPC Re-Order Point Re-Order # Packs Acq Cost (ut) Acq Cost (pk) Do Not Re-Order POS Product Code Supplier Name Item # Rank Price (ut) Price (pk) Default Inv # Adjust Counsel Search Save Close Revert MTD PMD PYD YTD

Inventory Tab

The Inventory tab is used to view inventory information and ordering parameters for the drug. From this tab, the drug can be ordered and its inventory can be adjusted.

To learn more, select the fields or buttons in the image below.


This section contains the following topics: